NEWS GE+IM – Nouveau clip “Mousou Anteizai” 1 March 201817 June 2021 Le 7 Mars 2018, GE+IM sortira son second maxi single, “Shujii no mousou gata shohou yaku”. Voici le clip complet de la chanson “Mousou Anteizai”! GE+IM - Band to go on hiatusGE+IM - New digital album "Steroid α" and 8th anniversary one-manGE+IMGE+IM - One-man lives and new lookGE+IM : 7th anniversary one-man tour -TOUR FINAL- 2022.11.14 Akabane ReNY alpha「荒療治のすゝめ」(live DVD)GE+IM - New live DVD "2022.11.14 Akabane ReNY alpha「荒療治のすゝめ」"Share