23 February 2025

NEVERLAND – New live DVD “life expectancy 3days” and digest

NEVERLAND had a last tour called "NEVERLAND LAST TOUR’21-life expectancy 3days" at the beginning of the year before disbanding. Their last one-man held on March 1st at TSUTAYA O-WEST will be released on DVD! It'll cost ¥ 6 000 and will be out on July 31st. You have to pre-order it via their online store.

NEVERLAND a donné une dernière tournée intitulée "NEVERLAND LAST TOUR’21-life expectancy 3days" en début d'année avant de se séparer. Leur dernier one-man qui a eu lieu le 1 Mars au TSUTAYA O-WEST sortira en DVD ! Il coûtera ¥ 6 000 et sortira le 31 Juillet. Il faut le pré-commander sur leur boutique en ligne.

—DVD 1—
01. Jupiter
02. 666Hz
03. g0 ahead.
04. Dummy
05. Missing memory
07. HOWL
08. bravely
09. butterfly
10. Land Escape
12. セカイのハジマリ (Sekai no hajimari)
14.「地球最後のラブソング」(Chikyuu saigo no love song)
—DVD 2—
01. アグリマン (Ugly man)
02. ハイカラ輪舞曲 (High collar rondo)
03. 憂鬱チェリー (Yuuutsu cherry )
04. ココロアンブレラ (Kokoro umbrella)
05. Daydream
06. Merry go land
07. Mischeivous
NEVERLAND LAST TOUR '21 -life expectancy 3days- off shot

Here is a preview of its content:

Voici un aperçu de son contenu :


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