Anniversaires - Octobre October 14 18 October 200030 January 2025 Kouryu / 衍龍 (gt.) RAZOR ex-My BACTERIA HEAT ISLAND, ex-DOPES., ex-Keith, ex-ASYURA Blood group: O Birthplace: Shanghai (China) TACC (ba.) SPLENDID GOD GIRAFFE ex-LEZARD (TACC), ex-Administrator (Takuya), ex-gossip (Takuya), ex-Pawn (Takuya) SPLENDID GOD GIRAFFESPLENDID GOD GIRAFFE - 2nd album “Trinity” and 3rd anniversary free one-man tourRAZORRAZOR - 2nd best of album "Zankou", 8th anniversary one-man tour and new lookSPLENDID GOD GIRAFFE - 4th single "CROSS FADE/High Discus", MV "CROSS FADE" and new lookNICOLASShare