9 March 2025


Formation: October 23rd, 2020 (details)
Pause: November 27th, 2021
Comeback: June 28th, 2022 (details)
Disbandment: December 5th, 2022 (details)

Label: Great Nature Spirits (2020-now) 

Lineup changes:

  • departure of the bassist Sid (May 21st, 2021) (details)
  • new guitarist Sena, new bassist Rubito & new manipulator Texas Home Run (June 24th, 2021) (details)
  • departure of the manipulator Texas Home Run (October 9th, 2021) (details)
  • departure of the bassist Rubito (October 29th, 2021) (details)
  • new bassist Yu-sui (June 28th, 2022) (details)

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Jun / 天草 潤 (vo.)

ex-R.I.P, ex-Amano jacushi, ex-Reiwa×Shinsekai, ex-Roub, ex-VALIANT:CODE, ex-Dahliagate, ex-Venus, ex-Duke, ex-AnnNa

Birthday: March 21st
Blood group
: AB

Height: 174 cm
Favourite food: meat
Favourite animal: lion
Artists that influenced him: L'Arc~en~Ciel, D, Phantasmagoria, Megaromania
How he became a member of R.I.P.: he wanted to do Visual Kei


Sena / 瀬那 (gt.)

ex-R.I.P (Sena), ex-Rabyrinth (Sena), ex-Re:Tsunagi Zero, ex-Ogyarity (Sena), ex-Unlimited (Miyuu), ex-Tsunaga Re:ZERO (Mei), ex-Nollcrea (Sena), ex-GROW (sup.), ex-Pastello, ex-GAUZES

Birthday: October 31st
Blood group
: O
Like: apple and strawberry condensed milk, Kawaii wa seigi


Rem / れむ (gt.)

Ruler (as Rem), I.V.Y (support)
ex-HUMAN ERROR (Nia), ex-R.I.P (Rem)

Birthday: January 27th
Height: 170 cm
Favourite food: dislike vegetables
Favourite animal: small animals and hedgehogs are cute
Artists that influenced him: Matenrou Opera
How he became a member of R.I.P.: he has been invited and it seemed fun

Yu-sui (ba.)

ex-HUMAN ERROR (Hibari), ex-R.I.P, ex-Nellfin (sup.), ex-Amano jacushi (sup.), ex-Rabyrinth (sup.)

Birthday: March 2nd
: Nagoya

Satoshi / 暁士 (dr.)

ex-R.I.P, ex-Nellfin (sup.), ex-Amano jacushi (sup.), ex-Rabyrinth (sup.)

Height: 168 cm
Favourite food: ramen
Favourite animal: penguin
Artists that influenced him: DIR EN GREY
How he became a member of R.I.P.: he has been invited


SID / シド (ba.)


Birthplace: Nagoya
Favourite food: bangyas (=fans)
Favourite animal: chubby bangyas
Artists that influenced him: Dark Maul
How he became a member of R.I.P.: he had free time

Texas Home Run / テキサスホームラン (mp.)


Birthday: July 10th 

Rubito / 月独 (ba.)

ex-R.I.P., ex-TЯAP BOX, ex-Scylla

Birthday: November 1st 


Sin / 罪 (gt.)


Birthday: May 15th
Favourite food
: chocolate
Artists that influenced him: Kuroyume, SADS, Ringo Shiina
How he became a member of R.I.P.: destiny (timing, chance)


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