Unli Furps – New band (+ single “Shikisai”)
Unli Furps (あんりふぁーぷす) is a new band that formed on May 1st, 2021! As they explained for the magazine Club Zy, “Unli” stands for “unlimited”, …
Unli Furps (あんりふぁーぷす) is a new band that formed on May 1st, 2021! As they explained for the magazine Club Zy, “Unli” stands for “unlimited”, …
Fuzzy knot is a new rock band that has been formed on April 21st, 2021 by two very well known artists from the Visual Kei …
Nigai (にがい) is a new band that formed on March 16th, 2021! The project has been created by Siki, the ex-vocalist of CANIVAL, and all …
SONS OF LIBERTY is a 3-members band that formed in December 16th, 2020. But it’s on January 1st only that the band unveiled its first …
Here is a summary of what happened in Visual Kei world during 2020. Disbandment and formation of bands, lineup change, pause of their activities or …
BAN×GUMI is a 5-members project band formed in January 1st, 2021! Here is its lineup: BAN×GUMI est un nouveau projet composé de 5 membres qui …
SutoZERO (ストZERO) is a mysterious band that has formed in January 1st, 2021. It seems that it’ll be a 3-members band: SutoZERO (ストZERO) est un …
Re;dark project ( リダーク プロジェクト) is a new band formed on December 29th by Azami (ex-Jiga, ex-ChildPlay) and Toui (RAKUGAKI, ex-Amanjaku). Re;dark project ( リダーク …
IMY (アイミー) is a 3-members band that seems to have formed around the end of August (according to Mito’s tweets) and started to perform from …
SHIN, vocalist of ex-ViViD and having a solo career now, started a new project with Sakito, guitarist of NIGHTMARE! It’s called SEESAW and they’ll officially …
8P-SB, the new project of Tsuzuku (now called Genki) and Koichi from ex-MEJIBRAY went on hiatus on July 28th, 2020. Koichi started a solo project …
Suuuicide note is a new band that has been formed in December 3rd by ex-TEARCiTY & VAN9ISH’s vocalist, Ai. He himself decided to call it …
Lynoas is a new band that has formed on November 17th. Two members are from ex-Alphalia, and all of them were having lives together under …
NINTH is a new band that has formed in November 9th, 2020. It’s a 5-members band: NINTH est un nouveau groupe qui s’est formé le …
GREED went on hiatus on September 6th, 2020 (details). Their vocalist, Chala, started a solo project on October 31st, called “中央ライナーズ” (Chuo Liners). What is …
R-shitei announced they would go on hiatus from December 29th, 2019, after the final of their one-man tour. They didn’t really give a reason for …