Formation as Menwa Koshi ga Inochi (session band): 2018
Changed name to MORE (time limited band): April 28th, 2019
Changed name to Zera: November 2019
Official debut: February 6th, 2020
Label: Planet Child Music (2020-now)
Lineup changes:
- departure of the guitarist Aqui (January 6th, 2025)
- new guitarist KIRAN (February 6th, 2025) (details)
Hisui / 氷翠 (vo.)
ex-MORE (Hayato), ex-Menwa Koshi ga Inochi, ex-Temaneki (vo.), ex-MEL (gt.)
Birthday: April 1st
Blood group: A
Perfume: Egoiste platinum
Minagi / ミナギ (gt.)
ex-MORE, ex-Menwa Koshi ga Inochi, ex-Jeminia
Birthday: June 19th
Blood group: A
Birthplace: Osaka
Like: tobacco, alcohol, twilight
Perfume: Dior homme sport edt
Ryu / 流 (ba.)
ex-MORE, ex-Menwa Koshi ga Inochi, ex-REVINE
Birthday: June 19th
Blood group: O
Like: games, sleeping, animals, Monster
Perfume: Givenchy
Ex members
Aqui (gt.)
ex-Zera, ex-DIEALO (Aki), ex-Forte (Tsubasa), ex-Monodole
Birthday: February 16th
Blood group: A
Like: games, tobacco, accessories, Red Bull
Perfume: Prada Candy
Past looks